Engineering A Fire Safe World

CASA's Fire Sprinkler Educational Seminars

Monday, August 19, 2013 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

SFPE members are invited to attend Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association's upcoming Fire Sprinkler Educational Seminars that will be taking place in Toronto, ON—Tuesday September 17th thru Thursday September 19th—and in Ottawa, ON—Tuesday September 24th thru Thursday September 26th. All seminar attendee’s will receive a free workbook, continental breakfast, and morning and afternoon coffee break. For more information and to view all of CASA's Seminar Topics and Locations across Canada please visit our website at Please feel free to pass this information on to any of your colleagues who may be interested in attending the seminars.

TORONTO, ON –Tuesday September 17th thru Thursday September 19th

Tuesday September 17th & Wednesday September 18th –Sprinkler Protection for Storage Applications

This two-day program provides the participant with the latest procedures for design, layout and Installation of fire sprinkler systems providing fire control and suppression for storage and warehouse occupancies. The course will discuss in depth the sprinkler protection of General Storage, Rack Storage and Special Storage in accordance with NFPA 13.

Thursday September 19th–Plan Review Procedures & Policies

This one day seminar provides attendees with vital information on determining compliance with fire sprinkler system design and installation rules in accordance with NFPA 13.

OTTAWA, ON –Tuesday September 24th thru Thursday September 26th

Tuesday September 24th & Wednesday September 25th -NFPA 13 Overview

This Two-day seminar provides the information necessary to navigate through the requirements of NFPA 13 “Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems”. Using lectures, videos and basic sprinkler plans the participant will locate the vital information for determining compliance of the sprinkler system design.

Thursday September 26th –Inspection, Testing & Maintenance for the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)

This One-day seminar will focus on the two primary questions that all AHJs are concerned with when it comes to water-based fire protection systems, “will the system work?” and “how do I know”. Through interactive discussion and activities this seminar will cover the administrative chapters (1-4) and the corrective chapters (14-15) of NFPA 25. Centering on documentation and processing, this seminar will provide the attendee with guidance on developing and continuing a relevant enforcement program.


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